Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Correlations In research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Correlations In research - Essay Example Depending on the type of the research, the data are later analyzed to draw out provable conclusions. For instance, a research can focus on climate and its effect on agriculture. From the relationship between agricultural productivity and climate, variables can be identified to aid in the process of information collection. In the long run, a relevant hypothesis is then formulated which will be rejected or accepted depending on the outcome of the research. The favorability of climate is inversely proportional to the quality of agricultural productivity in an area. In proving such a hypothesis, some of the most common working definitions are thus listed herein. I. Good climate - a good climate is one which fosters the production of agricultural products. Farming heavily relies on the pattern of rainfall. However, excessive rainfall destroys the crops in the field. The most conducive rainfall pattern, therefore, is one in which it rains moderately. A moderate rainfall is between twenty to sixty millimeters per day. According to this research, a good climate is therefore measured in terms of the volume of rainfall an area receives in a week. An unfavorable climate is characterized by below ten millimeters of rainfall a day. II. Research productivity-The number of researches carried out in an area defines its productivity in terms of contributing to human development. In this context, the productivity is compared on the number of researches that are produced in the region within a period of one year. A bad productivity infers zero to twenty cases within a year. On the other hand, good productivity refers to the production of fifty to one hundred researches per year (Sharon and Anthony 66). Operational definitions make it possible for computation of research variables. Furthermore, the definitions of the conflicting factors make it easier for one to carry an effective research on the issues. The goodness of climate is defined in a manner that enables

Monday, October 28, 2019

Herzbergs Theory Of Motivation Management Essay

Herzbergs Theory Of Motivation Management Essay After describing research background, problem statement, research question and objective, and significant of study in chapter 1, in this chapter provide the literature review of the past empirical studies. It is discuss about the theoretical foundation, review of the prior empirical studies of the independent variables, research model and hypotheses development. 2.1 Theoretical Foundation The main contribution of this research is Herzbergs theory of motivation. This theory is also known as the two-factor theory. Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory is developed by Professor Frederick Irving Herzberg in year 1959 (Herzberg, 1966). It divides into two groups of factors known as the motivator factors and hygiene factors. Table 2.1 shows the factors of motivator and hygiene which are lead to job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction. Source: Chen. K. (2005). Factors affecting job satisfaction of public sector employees in Taiwan. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. Under hygiene factors, lower level of employees needs will lead to de-motivate if they do not meet the factors but not necessarily motivate. When higher level of employees needs is met, therefore true motivation only exists (La Motta, 1995). According to Herzberg (1966) motivators are the real factors that motivate employees that can create job satisfaction and achieve the organizations goal. In prior research, Tan and Waheed (2011) are examined that what can motivate employees and their level of job satisfaction in the retail industry by using Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory. They founded that working conditions are the most significant in motivating sales personnel. The second is recognition and followed by company policy and salary. These were the factors that improved level of job satisfaction. Other than using Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory in the retail industry, Azash, Safare and Kumar (2011) are made a study about the motivational factors and job satisfaction on selected public and private sector bank employees in India. In Malaysia, these are some researchers done a study by examines the relationship between motivator and hygiene factors of the two-factor theory and job satisfaction of Gen-Y (Golshan et al., 2011). Table 2.2: Brief Definitions for the Factors of Herzbergs Motivation-Hygiene Theory Factors Definition Recognition Acts of praise, notice, or blame complete by one or more peer, superior, colleague, client, management person, and the general public. Achievement Accomplishment of actions including instances where failures were incurred. Similarly, instances were included whether success or failures were incurred. Work Itself The actual job performance connected to job satisfaction. Responsibility Satisfaction resulting that being given power of personal work or new job responsibilities and the work of others. Advancement Selected an actual change in job status. Possibility of growth A possible where was change in status, in fact, the change could be downward or upward in status. Supervision The supervisors willingness to teach subordinates and willingness or unwillingness to delegate responsibility. Policy and administration Events of the organization which included some aspects were related to job satisfaction. Working condition Quality of work, physical working conditions, and facilities which are related to job satisfaction. Interpersonal relations Relationships between subordinates, superiors and peers. Job security Feeling that person feel have an appropriate job and also guarantee its persistence as well as absence of threatening matter in the future. Salary All sequences of actions in which major role is compensation. Source: Castillo, J. X., Cano, J. (2004). Factors explaining job satisfaction among faculty. Journal of Agricultural Eduction, 45(3). According to Tripathi (2001) employees can be motivated by economic reward, job security, recognition, promotion and training to enhance job satisfaction. Robbins (2005) also shows work itself were most important factors that influence job satisfaction. In this research, Herzbergs motivation-hygiene theory will mainly be undertaken to investigate on the significance of factors such as commission pay, job security, opportunities for advancement and development and work itself in affecting job satisfaction among insurance agents in Malaysia. 2.2 Review of the Prior Empirical Studies 2.2.1 Commission Pay According to Cheng (2011) commissions is a sum of money based on individual capacity and performance upon completion of a task that generally paid as percentage of the sales based on sales volume, not for the period of time that individual work. Pathak and Tripathi (2010) exploratory a study to investigate the relationship between monetary benefit associated with the job satisfaction of the Indian insurance field. A survey was conducted among 350 employees who had worked in or left insurers. Based on this study, it can conclude that monetary benefit is primary need for employees and is a variable that important to job satisfaction. Besides, past researcher Tan et al. (2011) conducted a study to investigate the relationship between pay and its influences on the level of job satisfaction in the retail industry. Questionnaire had allocated to 152 respondents among the employees and conclude that pay have influence on the job satisfaction of employees. Therefore, pay was significantly and positively related to job satisfaction. Individual when receive high monetary payment are satisfied with their job. Moreover, Parvin and Kabir (2011) also conducted a study to investigate the relationship between pay affecting the job satisfaction of pharmaceutical field. Researchers conducted research with survey method by closed-ended interview-schedule to collect primary data. The research concluded that pay is a significant factor that can influence job satisfaction among employees. These few research shows the positive and significant relationship among the pay and job satisfaction. Thus, this research assumes that there is significant relationship between commissions pay and job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.2.2 Job Security According to Lacy and Sheehan (1997) indicated that an obvious relationship subsists between job security and satisfaction of employees in work. A forecaster of employees job satisfaction is security of services which bring out the meaning of a function that has a substantial connected to the job satisfaction of employees (Siddique, Malik Abbass, 2002). A study has been done by Noble (2008) to investigate how job security will influence the job satisfaction among sales managers. Questionnaires were randomly distributed to 292 sales managers of a national car rental chain in the United States. The findings demonstrated that there are positive relationships between job security and job satisfaction. In addition, Gazioglu and Tansel (2006) carry out a research exploring the relationships between job security and job satisfaction within workplace employees. A total of 28,240 questionnaires were allocated to a sample of British employees from the Workplace Employee Relations Survey. The study concluded that job security is significant related to the job satisfaction. Furthermore, Nikolaou, Theodossiou and Vasileiou (2006) conducted a finding to survey the relationships between job security and job satisfaction in European countries. In this study, a sample of 6,326 workers from Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Spain and The United Kingdom was selected and sent out the questionnaires. This research points out there is significant of associations between job security and job satisfaction. Based on the three past studied above, this research proposes that job security is significantly related to the job satisfaction of insurance agents. Therefore, this study suggests that job security can help to improve job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.2.3 Opportunities for Advancement and Development Wong and Wong (2005) stated that opportunities for advancement and development is one of the vital motivation factors that may be used by employer to motivate the employees on their job satisfaction. According Robbins (1998) opportunities for advancement and development provide the employees opportunities for personal growth in their current workplace, greater responsibility and social status. Lim (2008) conducted a study exploring the relationship between promotion opportunities due to technical expertise and job satisfaction of library IT workers. This research give some details about IT workers satisfy on their jobs compare with others. Data was collected using a random sampling technique which is out of 443 mail surveys were sent to IT workers of 30 libraries that were randomly selected from the 99 university member libraries of Association of Research Libraries in the United States and 202 surveys were returned by target respondents in result of 45.6%. From this research, the findings showed that there is a positive relationship between promotion opportunities and job satisfaction. A research was done by Chng, Chong and Nakesvari (2010) to investigate the relationship between promotion opportunities that influence job satisfaction of private college lecturers in Penang. Questionnaires were allocated to three colleges which is 180 sets among 19 private colleges. The questionnaires of this research collected back 135 sets from respondents. Based on this study, the result concluded that there is significant relationship between promotion opportunities with job satisfaction. Naveed, Usman and Bushra (2011) carried out a study to investigate the relationship between promotion and job satisfaction in employees of glass industry in Lahore, Pakistan. The data collection showed that 156 sets of questionnaires were received back out of 200 questionnaires which were randomly selected from 1,500 employees. The findings of this research indicate that there is a moderate and positive relationship between promotion and job satisfaction. Thus, this research assumes that an opportunity for advancement and development is positively related to job satisfaction among insurance agents according to three past studies. Nowadays, insurance agents are more emphasize in opportunities for advancement and development. 2.2.4 Work Itself According to Robbins, Odendaal and Roodt (2003) work itself is the degree to which the job provides human being with stimulating tasks, the chances of learning and personal growth, and the opportunity to be responsible and accountable for the outcomes. Shah, Rehman, Akhtar, Zafar and Riaz (2012) carried out a study investigating the relationship between the natures of work itself and job satisfaction of teachers in Public Educational Institutions in Rawalpindi area. The questionnaires of this study distributed to 379 respondents and 294 surveys were received. The findings of this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction. In the report done by Chuang, Yin and Jenkins (2009) to examine the relationship between the work itself and job satisfaction of casino hotel chefs in Las Vegas. The surveys were conducted by interview 25 major casino hotel chefs and one chef from academic field. From the research conducted it was evident that there is positively relationship between the work itself and job satisfaction. The research done by Castillo and Cano (2004) to inspect the relationship between the nature of job itself and job satisfaction of faculty members at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences in The Ohio State University. Questionnaires of this research were distributed to 172 respondents and 148 questionnaires were returned from respondents. This research concludes that there is significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction. Based on three past studies above, the researchers propose that work itself is positively related to the job satisfaction of insurance agents. Thus, this study recommends that the work itself can help to improve the job satisfaction of insurance agents. 2.3 Proposed Conceptual Framework/Research Model Figure 2.1: Theoretical Framework Independent Variables Dependent Variable Commission Pay Job Satisfaction Job Security Work Itself Opportunities for Advancement and Development Source: Castillo, J. X., Cano, J. (2004). Factors explaining job satisfaction among faculty. Journal of Agricultural Education, 45(3). 2.4 Hypotheses Development Commission Pay H0: There is no significant relationship between commission pays and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H1: There is a significant relationship between commission pay and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Job Security H0: There is no significant relationship between job security and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H2: There is a significant relationship between job security and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Opportunities for Advancement and Development H0: There is no significant relationship between opportunities for advancement and development and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H3: There is a significant relationship between opportunities for advancement and development and job satisfaction among insurance agents. Work Itself H0: There is no significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction among insurance agents. H4: There is a significant relationship between work itself and job satisfaction among insurance agents. 2.5 Conclusion From the past studies review in this chapter, it found that all the independent variables has significant relationship between the dependent variable. Research model and hypotheses were developed from the review of past studies. The research methodology will be providing in chapter 3.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Basketball in NS Essay -- essays research papers

Basketball was first introduced to Nova Scotia as early as 1895 but in the past thirty years the popularity of the sport has really taken off. The high concentration of universities in the province, the tradition and esteem of the high school programs, and the continued support from a large and knowledgeable basketball community have made the game a staple of Nova Scotia life, culminating with the capital city of Halifax becoming known as the basketball capital of Canada. When you talk about basketball in the Maritimes you can break it down into different levels of competition. There are the club systems throughout the province, the regional and provincial teams, then high school basketball, then you have to look at intercollegiate basketball, and finally pro basketball that was here for a short period of time. Another way of looking at how the sport has come along in the past thirty years is by focusing on the people who have been an integral part in its development. People such as Bob Douglas, Mickey Fox, Ritchie Spears, Brian Heaney, Steve Konchalski, and Bill Robinson, who through different roles have made and continue to make an impact on basketball in this province. Others who will not be discussed as much but whose role was just as important are those who laid the groundwork for all of the aforementioned. People such as Stu Aberdeen who created a legacy at Acadia University and in the process developed some of the best coaches this province has ever seen. Others like Al Yarr, Terry Symonds, and Frank Baldwin, whose tremendous efforts at the minor, high school, university, and national levels earned him the name Mr. Basketball. The foundation that was set by these people has allowed basketball to flourish in Nova Scotia on every level.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the 1970’s basketball in Nova Scotia was starting to gain popularity and in the minor system, the community YMCA and the Halifax Martyrs started basketball programs that provided children with an opportunity to play. At the high school level the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation took control of administering interscholastic athletics in 1971 and made many changes which improved the league. One of the improvements was to change the provincial format to qualify eight teams instead of just four, which allowed for more excitement as underdog schools had a chance to upset higher ranked t... in the country the CIAU still decided that Halifax should become the host for the Final 8 tournament. The 90’s brought professional basketball and along with it, increased interest in the game, as participation levels reached new heights. As we move into 2002 basketball is still very much a marquee sport in this province and its rich heritage ensures that it will be treasured for a long time to come.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Young, A.J.(1988). Beyond Heroes: A Sport History of Nova Scotia. Hantsport, NS: Lancelot Press. Douglas, Bob. (2000). Life is a Ball: 50 Years of Nova Scotia Sport. Halifax, NS: Links Publishing. Morrow, D., Keyes, M., Simpson,W., Cosentino, F., & Lappage, R. (1989). A Concise History of Sport In Canada. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press. Saunders, C. (1993, May 2). Hoops: Symonds tourney a cultural event.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Halifax Daily News, p. 29. Connolly, P. (1995, December 24). Halifax has earned the moniker of Canada’s basketball capital. The Halifax Daily News. Bezanson, S. (1984, July 25). Halifax being considered for CBA franchise.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Chronicle Herald.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Coffee in the Philippines Essay

This Euromonitor market report provides market trend and market growth analysis of the Coffee industry in Philippines. With this market report, you’ll be able to explore in detail the changing shape and potential of the industry. You will now be able to plan and build strategy on real industry data and projections. The Coffee in Philippines market research report includes: Analysis of key supply-side and demand trends Detailed segmentation of international and local products Historic volumes and values, company and brand market shares Five year forecasts of market trends and market growth Robust and transparent market research methodology, conducted in-country Our market research reports answer questions such as: What is the market size of Coffee in Philippines? What are the major brands in Philippines? How significant is vending in coffee distribution? How does the increasing nuber of speciality coffee shops impact retail sales of coffee? What are the future prospects for instant 2-in-1 coffee, 3-in-1 coffee and 4-in-1 coffee? How are coffee pods performing in Philippines? Why buy this report? Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions This industry report originates from Passport, our Hot Drinks market research database. Each report is delivered with the following components: Report: PDF and Word Market statistics: Excel workbook SAMPLE ANALYSIS TRENDS Instant coffee mixes continued to gain popularity in both off-trade and on-trade channels in 2010. Rising demand for these products was due to the ease in preparation with minimal time involved, which is highly valued by.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Haier Human Resources Management

HRM Effectiveness Evaluation Synergy makes it possible! HRM Effectiveness Evaluation Synergy makes it possible! To Sir Sohail Islam By Group # 3 Date 24-01-2008 Letter of Transmittal GIFT University Gujranwala, Pakistan January, 09, 2008 Mr. Sohail Islam GIFT University Gujranwala, Pakistan Dear Sir, The report is focused on evaluating the effectiveness of Human Resource Department of any multinational Company. We chose Haier for this purpose.We are very thankful to you that you gave us the opportunity to work on such topic, which really made us aware of a lot of hidden facts about the practical HR work done at companies. You helped us a lot in defining this topic. We are very grateful to you that you think us capable of this. Really, we have given our full in this report. We hope it will be above your expectations. Yours affectionately, Zain Hameed, Sarfraz Ahmed, Zohaib Khalid, Umair Ameen, Usman Khalid. Table of Contents Topics Detail |Page Number | |Executive Summary |1 | |Int roduction |3 | |Introduction to Haier |6 | |Company Background |6 | |Company Facts |9 | |Corporate Overview |9 | |Global Presence |10 | |Board of Directors |10 | |Recognition |10 | |Leadership at Haier |12 | |Haier’s HR |14 | |Conception of HR 14 | |Challenge your content, manage†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ |16 | |Values and Philosophy |18 | |Haier in Pakistan |32 | |Evaluation of HR Department |34 | |Conclusion |50 | |References | | Executive Summary This project is concerned with evaluating effectiveness of an HR Department in any multinational company. For the above-described activity, we chose well-known transnational electronic appliances manufacturing company named as â€Å"Haier†. Haier Pakistan holds its office at Raiwind Road. Haier Pakistan has split its HR Department in two parts. One part deals with marketing and distribution employees, while other deals with rest of the employees including administration, accounting, finance, security, and production depart ments.As discussed above, our task was to evaluate the effectiveness of the HR department, and for this purpose we focused on one part of Haier’s HR Department that deals with administration, accounting, finance, security, and production departments. First of all we defined these functions and then evaluated effectiveness of each function in Haier’s HR Department. Haier was incorporated in 1984 only producing household refrigerators. In 2004, Haier’s global sales hit RMB100. 9 billion and Haier brand, valued at RMB61. 6 billion, topped all Chinese trademarks at a nationwide survey. Haier was ranked first in the row of China’s Top 10 Global Brands August 30, 2005 on the Financial Times. Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin was placed 26th of the World’s 50 Most Respected Business Leaders on 17th November, 2005 on Financial Times.Haier’s international promotion framework encompasses global networks for design, procurement, production, distribution and after -sales services. Haier has established 15 manufacture complexes, 30 overseas production factories, 8 design centers and 58,800 sales agents worldwide. From Euro-monitor Statistics, Haier is currently ranked fourth among the global white goods makers by revenue and Haier’s goal is to play a leading role in the world white goods industry. Facing the challenges brought by E-commerce and China’s accession to the WTO, Haier began a management restructuring program in 1998 backed by the efficient Haier Market-chain System practice.During first 5 years, Haier focused on the organization restructuring, management decentralizing with application of advanced information and network systems in order fulfillment, Market-chain performance, logistics, capital operation, after-sales service, product inventory and operational cost reduction. During second 5 year period from 2003, Haier carried out the SBU (strategic business unit) management to stimulate the enthusiasm of every employ ee and to enhance Haier’s competitiveness in global marketplace. Haier has 51,000 full time employees and hires 175,000 contract service personnel, providing a total of 230,000 job opportunities. Haier’s management has been worldwide recognized.Haier has been recommended to the EU Case Studies by Lausanne Management College for Haier Market-chain Management. Haier’s goal is to become a global recognizable brand. (â€Å"Company Background†) The Haier Group is China’s largest home appliance brand and one of the world’s leading white goods home appliance manufacturers. By April 2006, the Haier Group has obtained 6,189 patented technology certificates and 589 software intellectual property rights. Haier products are sold in over 100 countries. Haier is the official Home Appliances Sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. As CEO, Mr. Zhang’s current goal is to further enhance Haier’s leadership in Chinese and global markets and st rengthen the reputation of Haier’s brand worldwide.The philosophy is the driving force behind the motivation and enthusiasm of Haier’s staff of over 50,000 employees worldwide. Haier is now widely recognized in the world. Haier’s production and management system restructuring has enabled Haier to diversify internal and external resources. Haier’s goal is to obtain worldwide recognition and to become one of Fortune Global 500. Haier Pakistan is the Pakistan Sales & Marketing division of the international Haier Group, a globally recognized manufacturer of world-class electrical home appliances. In the next portion evaluation of Haier’s HR department is done on the following basis. †¢ HR Department †¢ HR Planning Analysis and Design of Work †¢ Training and Development †¢ Performance Evaluation We have asked different questions, which are mentioned in the report, which leaded us to following conclusions. There should be a General Ma nager HR, who should be formally trained in HRM. At Haier, Administration Department is merged with Human Resource Department. HR Department should be separate from Administration Department. There are less than enough HR professionals in the Department. According to our information, Haier practices downsizing. Even if Downsizing is inevitable, then lay off employees should be adjusted to other sister organizations, like Haier has SV-RUBA.While designing jobs, The HR department takes information through relevant HODs. The work flow is not documented at Haier. Haier HR Department takes JIT decisions. Haier’s first priority is internal sources for recruitment. The employees who come from internal sources are usually friends or relatives of existing employees. Nepotism is practiced, highly, at Haier. Nepotism reduces the efficiency of employees. Haier’s HR Department does not have any research regarding any issue. Company does not have any system to measure the change in performance and behavior after training. The minimum basic pay at Haier is 4,000. More than 1500 people are working at Haier.Haier’s employees should be given proper and formal training to work on a particular kind of machine. There should be sessions, in which employees should be trained regarding safe work practices. Haier HR department is of the view that most accidents are due to carelessness of employees. Even if it is true, still it is fault of HR department that they did not provide proper training to employees regarding safe work practices. Introduction This project is concerned with evaluating effectiveness of an HR Department in any multinational company. The word, HRM Audit, is also used to describe this activity, but the word, audit, creates some problems in some cases.Audit, usually, refers to financial audits, which is statutorily conducted, and has some negative meanings attached with it for some involved parties, so it would be very wise to call it the evaluat ion or effectiveness measure instead of Audit. For the above-described activity, we chose well-known transnational electronic appliances manufacturing company named as â€Å"Haier†. Haier is expanding very quickly, and has opened many subsidiaries in many countries including Pakistan. Haier Pakistan holds its office at Raiwind Road. This Office is a small portion of a giant size manufacturing plant at the same location. Haier Pakistan has split its HR Department in two parts. One part deals with marketing and distribution employees, while other deals with rest of the employees including administration, accounting, finance, security, and production departments.As discussed above, our task was to evaluate the effectiveness of the HR department, and for this purpose we focused on one part of Haier’s HR Department that deals with administration, accounting, finance, security, and production departments. We split our evaluation work in components. These components were acco rding to different HR Functions. First of all we defined these functions and then evaluated effectiveness of each function in Haier’s HR Department. For this purpose we decided to adopt interviewing approach, because it was most suitable, quick and reliable method as we planned to record each word of that interview. But before doing our desired work, we had to get some general information about Haier, because if you don’t know something, then you can never know a component of that particular thing.Actually our focus is to check the effectiveness of a part of picture by taking whole picture in mind, so a brief introduction about Haier, its History, its leader ship, its achievements, its philosophy and values, its HR Conception, and, most importantly, information about its presence in Pakistan is given below before starting the Evaluation work. Introduction to Haier Company Background Haier was incorporated in 1984 only producing household refrigerators. Over the past 20 years, the company has witnessed significant prosperity and is now a transnational organization widely recognized in the world community. Haier currently manufactures a wide range of household electrical appliances, 15,100 varieties of items in 96 product lines, and exports products to more than 100 countries. In 2004, Haier’s global sales hit RMB100. 9 billion and Haier brand, valued at RMB61. 6 billion, topped all Chinese trademarks at a nationwide survey. Haier was ranked first in the row f China’s Top 10 Global Brands August 30, 2005 on the Financial Times. Haier CEO Zhang Ruimin was placed 26th of the World’s 50 Most Respected Business Leaders on 17th November, 2005 on Financial Times. Zhang Ruimin was ranked 6th of the Asia’s 25 Most Powerful People in Business on Fortune in August, 2004 and first of the 25 Most Powerful Business Leaders inside China on the Chinese Edition of Fortune in April 2005. Haier’s international promotion framework e ncompasses global networks for design, procurement, production, distribution and after-sales services. Haier has established 15 manufacture complexes, 30 overseas production factories, 8 design centers and 58,800 sales agents worldwide.From Zhongyikang Statistics, Haier’s leadership position in Chinese home appliance industry has been solidified by obtaining the domestic market share of 21% for overall appliances, far ahead of all its competitors, 34% for white goods, exceeding globally recognized domination line, and 14% for small electric appliances, overtaking all previous competitive rivals. In the world market, Haier has gained first place in the United States for sales of compact refrigerators and wine coolers, in Iran for washing machines and Cyprus for air conditioners. From Euro-monitor Statistics, Haier is currently ranked fourth among the global white goods makers by revenue and Haier’s goal is to play a leading role in the world white goods industry.On Marc h 4, 2002, Haier unveiled its American headquarters in the landmark neo-classical building, the former offices of the Greenwich Savings Bank, on Broadway, Manhattan, New York, an indication that Haier had moved into a new phase for globalization of product design, manufacture and sales and had a strong determination for long-term development in the United States. On August 20, 2003, Haier erected an electric billboard in the shopping district of Ginza, Tokyo, symbolizing that Haier’s determination to reach Japanese marketplace. Facing the challenges brought by E-commerce and China’s accession to the WTO, Haier began a management restructuring program in 1998 backed by the efficient Haier Market-chain System practice.During first 5 years, Haier focused on the organization restructuring, management decentralizing with application of advanced information and network systems in order fulfillment, Market-chain performance, logistics, capital operation, after-sales service, product inventory and operational cost reduction. During second 5 year period from 2003, Haier carried out the SBU (strategic business unit) management to stimulate the enthusiasm of every employee and to enhance Haier’s competitiveness in global marketplace. Over the past 20 years, Haier provided more than 100 million appliances to worldwide consumers and paid cumulatively a total tax of RMB13. 6 billion, of which RMB2 billion in 2004, RMB5. 5 million per day on average.Haier has scheduled to finance 100 Project Hope primary schools, of which 47 are put into operation. Haier has 51,000 full time employees and hires 175,000 contract service personnel, providing a total of 230,000 job opportunities. Haier’s management has been worldwide recognized. Haier’s experience has been introduced in 16 case studies in business merger, financial management and corporate culture by 7 foreign educational institutes, including Harvard University, University of Southern Califor nia, Lausanne Management College, the European Business College and Kobe University. Haier has been recommended to the EU Case Studies by Lausanne Management College for Haier Market-chain Management.Haier’s goal is to become a global recognizable brand. (â€Å"Company Background†) Company Facts Corporate Overview The Haier Group is China’s largest home appliance brand and one of the world’s leading white goods home appliance manufacturers. Haier was founded in 1984 in Qingdao, Shandong Province, China and manufactures home appliances in over 15,100 different specifications under 96 categories. By April 2006, the Haier Group has obtained 6,189 patented technology certificates and 589 software intellectual property rights. Haier products are sold in over 100 countries. Haier is the official Home Appliances Sponsor of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. Headquarters: |Qingdao, Shandong Province, China | |Employees |Over 50,000 worldwide | |Financial Informatio n: |Haier’s global revenue in 2005 reached RMB 103. 4 billion | | |Average annual growth of 68% between 1984 and 2005 | |No. of Subsidiaries |Over 240 | |Listed Subsidiaries |Haier Electronics Group Co. , Ltd. listed on the Hong Kong Stock | | |Exchange | | |Qingdao Haier Co. , Ltd.Listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange | |Business Scope |Technology research | | |Product development and manufacturing | | |Trade | | |Financial services | |Key Product Lines |Refrigerators/Freezers, commercial air-conditioners, microwave | | |ovens, washing machines, dishwashers, televisions, mobile phones,| | |computers | |Global Presence | |Trading Companies: |64 | |Design Centers |8 | |Industrial Complexes |15 | |Sales Network |Over 58,000 | Board of Directors Chairman and CEO Mr. Zhang Ruimin President Ms. Yang MianmianVice Chairman Mr. Wu Kesong Recognition †¢ Ranked 86th among the world’s 500 Most Influential Brands by World Brand Lab in 2006. Only Chinese brand to be ranked in top 100 for three consecutive years †¢ Ranked 1st among Chinese brands with the most potential by Glebor’s Global Financial Reports of Canada, 2006 †¢ Ranked 1st among China’s Top 10 Global Brands by the Financial Times in 2005 †¢ Ranked 1st among China’s Top 10 Global Brands by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision (CSBTS) for refrigerators and washing machines in 2005 †¢ CEO Zhang Ruimin ranked 26th among World’s Most Respected Business Leaders by the Financial Times in 2005 CEO Zhang Ruimin ranked 6th among Asia’s 25 Most Powerful People in Business by Fortune magazine in 2004 †¢ Received a World Climate Award from the United Nations Development Program and the US Environment Protection Administration in 2000 (â€Å"Company Facts†) Leadership at Haier â€Å"As far as transforming moments go in a CEO’s career, Zhang Ruimin has a story to match anyone’s. † †“ Financial Times Zhang Ruimin is the Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Haier Group, a position he assumed in 2000. He also holds the title of senior economist. As CEO, Mr. Zhang’s current goal is to further enhance Haier’s leadership in Chinese and global markets and strengthen the reputation of Haier’s brand worldwide.In 1984, Zhang Ruimin was appointed director of the Qingdao Refrigerator Factory, a small, ailing collectively-owned factory in the Shandong province of China. Under his leadership and unique management philosophy, the company has since grown to become what is now the Haier Group, China’s leading home appliance brand, and one of the world’s largest home appliance makers, with a distribution presence in over 100 countries. Mr. Zhang began the turnaround of Haier with an order to destroy 76 defective refrigerators, laying into one himself with a sledgehammer – now preserved for its symbolism in Haier’s muse um. That singular act of destruction impressed on employees that poor quality would not be acceptable. He reinforced the message with an aggressive Western-style quality control program. Mr.Zhang’s management philosophy is a blend of international management principles and Chinese wisdom, with innovation and excellence as its cornerstones. The philosophy is the driving force behind the motivation and enthusiasm of Haier’s staff of over 50,000 employees worldwide. Mr. Zhang acts as a role model for modern Chinese entrepreneurs, and his leadership philosophy and business acumen are widely admired, both in China and within the international business community. Mr. Zhang holds an MBA degree from China Science and Technology University. He was born on January 5, 1949 in Laizhou, Shandong province, China. Zhang Ruimin[pic] Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (â€Å"Leadership†) Haier’s HR Conception of HR Globalized Enterprise and Globalized StaffZhang Ruimin, CEO of Haier Group, performs branding strategy, multi-directions strategy and global strategy under the direction of globalization and creation of famous branding. Currently, Haier acquires continuously quick increasing; the brand of Haier keeps its first position of China home electronics industry, and the brand wins more and more credits in the international market. In 1997, State Economic and Trade Commission decided to support Haier as one of six main Chinese enterprises to compete â€Å"World Top 500 Enterprises†. Globalized operation model in Haier drives it to â€Å"the Express Way†, so in the international market, Haier wins more and more respects in short period of time.However, we can clearly recognize that Haier still has distance compared with world top enterprises. During the current situation, as long as the brand of Haier becomes a global branding, each of our staffs initially shall become a globalized talent. The objectives of HR development in Haier G roup must match our enterprise's strategic objective of globalization, to develop international and competitive talents. (â€Å"Conception of HR†) Promotion based upon excellence, not appearance Promotion is based upon excellence, not appearance —- Haier's Rule of its HR Development During our HR development, we insist on innovation of notion, innovation of system.We keep creating a kind of environment of fair, just and straightforward, and build up a set of mechanism to develop personnel potentialities. Therefore, while we purchase our enterprise's objectives, we can offer each individual a developing space to realize his own value. â€Å"How much you can be involved, we will provide you a corresponding platform. † 1. â€Å"Each individual is a talent, and promotion is based upon excellence, not appearance. † —- Providing a fair, just and open competition environment in fact is the competition of talents. Staffs lead to the enterprise in success. If an enterprise has of most talented and high-qualified people, it will win in the competition.Haier's HR development initially based on â€Å"Each individual is a talent†, â€Å"firstly training people and then creating a brand† to change the function of most of traditional HR departments, and finally built up a HR mechanism and a policy with the function of, how to research and develop individual potentiality, which is different to traditional HR function, but concerning about who should be trained, and who should be promoted to the position of leadership. We provide our staffs 3 kinds of career designing: 1. For administrators; 2. For professionals; 3. For workers. Each of them has one direction towards his promotion. 2. â€Å"Who is incumbent who shall be inspected; promotion is based on competition; One's position shall be changed after his expired term of office. † —- We need to inspect and control the incumbent administrators.There is such a rule in Haier's HR management: the so called â€Å"if you give one person rights, you shall definitely trust him, and if you suspect him, you won't give him any rights†, which is a definitely deny of market economy. In market economy, the essential relationship is driven by benefits. Trust or distrust your staff, or evaluate one staff only based on your private emotions or only based on his personnel capacity won't be a proper method, and maybe will have negative effects in success of an enterprise. Therefore, Haier makes a rule like â€Å"Who is incumbent who shall be inspected; promotion is based on competition; position shall be changed after one's expired term of office†. 3. â€Å"Usually more deeply dolphin dives, more highly it jumps. â€Å"—- Mechanism of promotion and demotion.When we promote a cadre to a high-level position, we won't him immediately inaugurate, however, we assign him to work in related department as an ordinary role; sometimes, even if he is already been playing a important role in the department, due to his lack of such experience, we will let him lower his position and work as a common staff. Sometimes, one person is very experienced, but only lack of integrated and coordinated skills; we will assign him to certain department to have so-called internship. However, it is tough for a cadre under such high pressure; on the other hand, he is finally trained and cultivated his integrated skills. 4. Elimination Quota—- That means in certain period of time and within certain division, we set a quota to lay off staffs in percent.It can be cruel; however, it is good for an enterprise to purchase its long-term strategy. In Haier, there is no such saying â€Å"I cannot give any achievement to the enterprise; however my time and physical works shall be took into account. † If you cannot offer your best efforts, you probably make a fault. Therefore, in such period of time, within certain division, we follow out ou r elimination quota in proportion. (â€Å"Conception of HR†) Challenge your content, manage yourself and challenge yourself Hang Rui Min, CEO of the Group, pointed out in the article My Point of View towards New Economy that, in the age of new economy, people is the key factor to ensure your innovation.Each individual person can body of innovation, and we design our train of thought as a market chain to support outstanding. 1. â€Å"External market competition leads to the internal†Ã¢â‚¬â€- Market Chain Effect. We convince that there are 2 markets involved in one enterprise, the internal and the external. The internal market is how to meet the requirements of the staffs to arouse their initiatives; on the other hand, the external market is to meet the requirements of the clients. Inside Haier Group, â€Å"the next processing is the client†, so it must have a main body to perform their responsibilities for their own market. â€Å"The next processing is the clie nt†, each staff can represent a client, or he is the market.Each staff can suppose to have no responsibility to his supervisor occasionally, but the most important thing is he must have the responsibility to the market all the time. Market chain mechanism, initialized as â€Å"SST† based on Chinese pin yin, that is to say: Firstly, we need to serve our client and acquire the related rewards; and if we cannot match the market's requirements we must give corresponding reimbursement. Neither rewards, nor reimbursement, it could be a blank in the mechanism that means problem will occur. Therefore, the group is under the mechanism, and there are many people in their position under the sprit of â€Å"managing yourself† where people treat their own as a host in their division of Haier Group.They manage their position as operating their own boutique so that they have extraordinary efforts in such as saving energy, decreasing consumption, improving quality etc. 2. Real ti me stimulation—- it is to stimulate and develop the initiatives of the staffs. To encourage new technical invention and innovation, Haier Group issues Staff Rewarding Regulation for Inventions, which establishes an award of â€Å"Haier†, â€Å"Hope of Haier† and â€Å"Rationalized Advice† etc. and based on the economic effectiveness and social effectiveness they achieved, and the enterprise, the administrators and the staffs have equal chances to win the awards respectively. Haier Group is as a sea to take domestic and overseas professional people in.CEO of Haier, Zhang Rui Min, in the article of Haier is the sea wrote with full passions â€Å"as long as to gather all Haier people's power together, it can generate the power as much as a sea, which need the sprit of ‘unselfish contribution and excellence chasing' so that we can have the sense of team work. We make most of the incredible and the impossible become realizations and possibilities. There fore, the great wave of Haier can exceed all barriers, and keep going ahead. (â€Å"Conception of HR†) Values & Philosophy Cultural Concept Corporate Culture Haier corporate culture has been widely recognized by Haier’s employees as innovative value created by Haier senior management. Innovation is the core of Haier corporate culture, Haier’s unique cultural system cultivated and developed over the past 20 years.Haier corporate culture is guided and developed by advanced concept, innovative strategy, efficient organization, creative technology and market orientation, which have enabled Haier to grow swiftly with business expansion from China to outside world. Haier corporate culture features recognition and participation of all employees. Today, Haier is ambitious to gain worldwide recognition. To achieve this magnificent goal, Haier has had all its employees involved in realizing Haier’s ideal to be a global recognizable brand. (â€Å"Haier’s Cor porate Culture†) Haier Spirit †¢ Creating resources and worldwide prestige †¢ Resource Creation is based on innovation . Even Haier has less resources than its rivals, it can benefit from the core competence originated from innovation. The higher objective of the Global Brand strategic stage is â€Å"worldwide prestige† which is accomplished in meeting the needs of customers from all over the world and which will in turn make Haier a globally recognized world-class brand. Haier Style Individual-goal combination, swift action and success â€Å"individual-goal combination† is our method and â€Å"swift action and success† is our target. The market of each SBU should be identified clearly and actions should be taken promptly. Haier HR Concept Promotion is based upon excellence, not appearance Haier provides its every employee opportunities to develop and demonstrate talents. It is not able people, but the mechanism to encourage able people developme nt, should we be concerned about. The responsibility of a manager is to establish a â€Å"race track†, ie. personality development opportunity, for every employee to become a SBU.The â€Å"Horse racing court† requires three principles, firstly, fair competition; secondly, ability-based appointment; thirdly, reasonable job rotation. Under the contract labor system policy, employees are regularly evaluated and classified by performances, and the managerial personnel do not work at the same position permanently but rotate regularly in a fixed period. The significance of Haier’s human resource management is to stimulate the enthusiasm of employees. In this system, every employee can feel the pressure from both inside and outside the company and convert the pressure into creative motility. This is the key to success. Authorization and supervision Performance with full power authorization must be supervised.Haier regulates the rules on post control, promotion competit ion and job rotation â€Å"Post control† is so defined that firstly managerial personnel should self control and discipline; secondly, Haier has to establish a control system to guide the work objective and orientation and shun directional mistakes. In addition, it is aimed to control financial performance and to eliminate misconduct in business practice. â€Å"Promotion competition† indicates that a competitive system is to be operated to promote or demote employees according to their ability and performance. Every employee will be able to feel pressure while having opportunity to demonstrate and develop his potential capability. Job rotation† is destined to change positions of managerial personnel with fixed term, aiming to avoid inefficient performance in management due to thought rigidity and creativity shortage after a relatively long period on the same post. Job rotation system will create more opportunities to young managers for practical experience and ex pand more human resources for the company. Haier strategy Concept Activating shock fish Activating shock fish† Policy has been employed by Haier in acquisition of ailing companies for business expansion. International acquisition is characterized by three stages. In Stage 1, â€Å"Big fish eat small fish†, companies powerful in capital, not technology, merger with less powerful companies.In Stage 2, â€Å"Fast fish eat slow fish†, these companies are powerful in technology, not capital instead. Microsoft, for example, started later than some other counterparts, however, it kept leading the industry with advanced technology and surpassed some old brands. In Stage 3, â€Å"Sharks eat sharks†, â€Å"Power Alliance† became popular in 1990s. Boeing merged with Mcdonnell in such circumstance. In China, â€Å"big fish† not allowed to eat â€Å"small fish†, nor â€Å"fast fish† and â€Å"sharks†, only â€Å"shock fish†. â €Å"Shock fish† represent those companies which are well equipped but not well operated and can be vitalized if effective management is introduced. Three directional changes In early 1999, Haier was about to decide the development guideline.Zhang Ruimin, then President of Haier, brought forward a proposal that Haier’s 1999 development policy should be concentrated on globalization to approach Haier’s goal of global recognizable brand. To realize this goal, Haier prepared and launched an overall plan to restructure Haier’s management system for improvement of corporate competence. Zhang Ruimin proposed â€Å"Three directional changes† of restructuring the company management system. Reference: Previously, Haier focused upon maximization of profits, and Haier gives the priority to customer demands satisfaction. Directional change in management From linear organization structure to BPR of Market-chain DecentralizationDecentralization of traditional Pyr amid management system on the basis of market principle application for interdepartmental management and customer needs satisfaction. Information Based upon interest of customers, production and management processes are operated under the principle of Market-chain Management with continuous and update information. Directional change in market orientation Emphasis shifted from domestic to overseas market Directional change in production scope Emphasis shifted from manufacture to service industry E-commerce system in operation for product sales Haier E-commerce System supported by advanced information technology for network management, marketing, service and procurement. Overseas Expansion based upon domestic success There are two principles.Firstly, the best efforts are made to fully develop the current industry before entering new segment of relative products; secondly, the best efforts are made to gain the leading position in the new segment of the industry after a certain period i n which the business has been well developed. Market development precedes production plants. The principle, â€Å"Market development precedes production plants† was once used for overseas business development in the initial period of Haier. It suggests that production plants should not be built unless sufficient purchase orders are received from the market developed by product sales at the very beginning of business.In 1992, Haier set up its headquarter industrial complex in Qingdao and more then 10 industrial plants throughout the world, especially in the United States. Haier OEC Management: OEC Management. OEC is an abbreviation of Overall Every Control and Clear, indicating that overall control and supervision of every employee every day. â€Å"O† stands for Overall, â€Å"E† for Everyone, Everyday and Everything and â€Å"C† means Control and Clear. Purpose of the OEC Management is as follows: Day-based task accomplishment and improvement The task ass igned for every day basis should be accomplished in the same day with an increase of 1% over that in previous day. The OEC Management is comprised of three systems: Objective > Daily Accomplishment > IncentiveThe Objective must be established first; Daily accomplishment is basic to fulfillment of the objective; Result of Daily Accomplishment will be of significance when it is attached with incentive policy. Slope & ball theory An enterprise likened to be a ball on a slope requiring traction force to stop it from rolling downward and to keep it upward needs efficient management to prevent it from lagging behind and creative ideas to achieve more opportunities for development. What’s remarkable? What’s Difficult? What’s remarkable? It is remarkable for doing well simple things. What’s difficult It is difficult to accomplish the matters the public believe simple. Day-based task accomplishment and improvement The â€Å"Slope and Ball Theory† is used to describe indications of OEC Management in 3 aspects: Management is decisive to business success.An enterprise cannot succeed and business will go down if it is not well operated. Consistent efforts should be made for management efficiency. It is a painstaking and profound process. Efficiency level of management does not always stay unchanged, even the supervising mechanism, but fluctuate continuously. Efficiency management requires untiring efforts. Management is dynamic, endlessly. Enterprise business develops while supervising mechanism needs improvement. Management is not rigid, but flexible and adjustable according to enterprise objectives and internal and external conditions. Haier’s policy is â€Å"Prepare for actual use, not for show Haier's Market-Chain Market- chainMarket-chain management is based upon Haier’s corporate culture and computerized information system, concentrated upon order information flow and operated for logistics and capital performance to realize the Three-Zero objective business restructuring. The system incorporates the factors of sync flow efficiency, SST intensity and performance-based salary system to encourage employees to work hard to satisfy consumer requirements with application of innovative technology, valuable orders, improvement of corporate competence and creation of market demands Demolish the walls inside the outside enterprises. Chinese enterprises should demolish two side and outside walls.Outside wall stands for the life-and-death competition between enterprises of the same trade, suggesting that competitors cooperate with each other for win-win relationship. Inside wall means administrative relation between different departments in the same enterprise, suggesting that competition mechanism be introduced to improve management efficiency. Accelerated pace for information technology application is the key to demolish the walls. Zero stock, distance and working capital. Order based performance indicat es that production will not be arranged unless buyers have placed purchase orders. The entire production process is operated for ordered products. In such way, products are delivered at sight of payment and thus the goal of zero stock, distance and working capital is realized.Zero stock The mission of logistics is to eliminate distance with time and stock volume with time efficiency. Haier’s goal is to eliminate all stock in warehouse. If warehouse is likened to a reservoir, Haier will change the reservoir into a flowing river by the JIT tool. JIT purchase: Purchase is precisely arranged according to the actual needs; needed parts and raw materials are procured through worldwide suppliers for order fulfillment. JIT supply chain: Haier’s warehouse is just a transit station in which all materials can only be stored for 7 days at most. In Haier automated high-bay warehouses, parts and components will be allowed for 3 days.JIT delivery: Haier has established a nationwide l ogistics system for product delivery to every corner in the country. Zero distance Zero distance is another goal of the Market-chain Management. Under this system, Haier will, immediately after obtaining the purchase order, take every effort to satisfy the needs of customers. In the process, delivery efficiency plays a significant role to shorten the time with space efficiency. Buyers can place orders at the Internet and Haier will deliver the ordered goods to the buyers. Zero distance is important for a manufacturer to acquire orders. The enterprise strives to shorten or even eliminate the distance to buyers to obtain and satisfy individual orders.If the distance is not eliminated, the manufacturer might not easily know what customers need and how to satisfy their demands. Zero working capital The third goal of the Market-chain Management is to realize zero working capital. It is believed to be the capability to change cash into material objects and then convert material objects in to cash. Zero working capital means no fund is used as floating capital. Before making the payment to sub-suppliers, the manufacturer receives payment from buyers. This can be realized as production is scheduled at request of customers. This will result in healthy operation of the enterprise. Doing right things and doing things right way Haier’s operational restructuring based upon the Market-chain is carried out by three phases.In phase 1, internal resources are integrated to structure the Market-chain system; in phase 2, valuable orders are obtained from the Market-chain system, giving emphasis upon customer demands satisfaction and establishment of global supply-chain to improve the corporate competence. Currently, Haier has entered phase 3 of the operational restructuring process by focusing upon integration of human resource to make every employee a SBU for more valuable orders. Haier is carrying the OEC Management with an aim to improve management efficiency and quality assurance. This is doing things in right way. On the other side, Haier launches the Market-chain program for competition in the world market place. This is doing right things. There is a distinct difference between doing right things and doing things in right way.An example, a worker on production line is doing things in right way if operation and product quality comply with technical specifications. However, if the product cannot be marketed, what the worker has done is not right. From this point of view, doing right things is the basis of doing things in right way. Continuous improvement of management is to ensure that every employee is doing right. Speed, innovation and SBU Since 2002, Haier’s development theme has been Speed, Innovation and SBU. Speed helps create customer resource. In other words, Haier wants to be the early bird catching the worm. Innovation is to help customers create value provided customer resource is ensured.If every employee becomes a SBU, loyalty of customers will be achieved. Speed Why speed? The fantastic efficiency of the Internet makes us believe that slow players will sure fail. Those who have no relation with the Internet will be washed out. Those using the Internet in business practice but having weak competitiveness will also be eliminated from the competition in the marketplace. Speed plays a significant role in order acquisition, fulfillment and follow-up service. Aim of fast speed Fast speed is aimed at realizing zero stock, zero distance and zero operating capital. Innovation Why innovation? In current depressed market, fast speed is gained by innovative thinking and spirit.The obtained market shares cannot be continued if no innovation is pursued. During the innovation process, innovation should be combined with speed. The decentralized organizing structure is aimed to get the enterprise involved in the market practice. The entire process of management and production are concentrated upon satisfying the needs o f both market and innovation. How to help customers create value by innovation In current network age, value of customers is realized by two methods, ie. customization and globalization. In the current market where supply exceeds demand, buyers have more options. Only those who satisfy their individual demands will be chosen by the buyers.Aim of innovation: acquisition of valuable orders under the following conditions: Essence of innovation Approach of innovation: innovative simulation and introduction. SBU What’s SBU? SBU is an abbreviation of Strategic Business Unit If not only every division, but also every employee is a SBU, Haier’s business strategy will be carried out and shouldered by all employees. At the same time, the innovation of every employee will ensure that Haier’s strategy is successfully implemented. Why SBU? SBU is a carrier of efficient and innovative performance. Those who do not pursue fast speed and innovation are not SBUs. Managers have t o fulfill business assignment.If subordinates are not SBUs, the enterprise cannot satisfy individual customer needs. In other words, what SBU demonstrates is fast speed innovation. With this philosophy, Haier’s objective of fast speed innovative production is quantified for every employee. As a result, every employee will have to carry out technical innovation for production or management efficiency improvement for customer need satisfaction. Haier’s One-Stop service and B-to-E process is in operation to optimize customization production. How to become SBU? Four essential requirements are market objective, purchase order, sales achievements and market reward. These are goals of the company to achieve and break down for every employee.Market objective: competitive power with fast speed creating customer resources Purchase order: acquiring valuable purchase orders with innovative technology to achieve market objective. Sales achievements: quantitative data on customer sa tisfaction gained by order fulfillment and displayed by the company information system Market reward: pay allocated from additional income created by marketing performance and used as incentive for employee enthusiasm in better performance Function of SBU What does SBU mean to the company, employees and customers? To employees, SBU means innovation, and employees will demonstrate their values by helping customers create values.To the company, SBU means corporate competence, which cannot be copied by competitors if every employee becomes a SBU. To customers, SBU means a network age and loyalty to the manufacturer and its brand. If every employee carries out innovation, customer demands can always be satisfied. Features of SBU Feature 1: Only marketing target and position, not senior management or subordinate, considered in business practice. Feature 2: Only market changes, not time to start nor place to finish, focused upon for innovation. Feature 3: Only competitive end market could we are encouraged by to energetically and efficiently realize our ambitious goal. Go abroad; go localized, go up to a higher level – globalized Haier. First difficult, than easyBuild name brand in developed markets and then expand the business into developing markets with little resistance. Without domestic market, business is rootless, without international market, business is weak Without domestic market, business is rootless, without international market, business is weak. If a business is uncompetitive in the domestic market, it is impossible make its way into the international market. However, if a business is successful only in the domestic market, the superiority won’t last long. Haier has experienced a tough time when starting to go abroad. Some asked the question what is the point to seek for a bone abroad when there was easy meat in China.The truth is when all are fighting over the same piece of meat, there will be nothing left but the bone in no time. A bus iness like Haier should actively take part in the global competition. Three 1/3s 1/3 made and sold at home 1/3 made at home and sold abroad 1/3 made and sold abroad Three-in-one localization Three-in-one localization: Haier has its technical development centers, manufacture bases and trading companies set up overseas to enable localized operations with respect to design, manufacture and marketing, among which are Haier America, Haier Europe, Haier Middle East, Haier Southeast Asia, and more. Case study Acquisition of Italian refrigerator plant June 19, 2001.The signing ceremony of Haier acquiring an Italian refrigerator plant was held in the central building of Qingdao Group. The acquisition marked the successful three-in-one localization (localized design, manufacture and marketing) in Europe after the United Sates. The Italian plant was located in a geographically convenient area together with many plants from famous manufacturers like Whirlpool, CANDY, Zanussi, etc. The project w ould bring Haier â€Å"three windows† and â€Å"two radiation effects†, i. e. windows of information, technology and purchase and marketing radiation from Italy to the rest of Europe and product radiation from refrigerator to the rest of product mix.The transnational acquisition provided Haier a white goods production base in Europe as well as access to local manufacturer association and local information, paving the way for integrating of funds, intelligence and cultures and building a world-class brand. Haier believes that internationalization is supported by three-in-one localization of design, manufacture and marketing. The key to internationalization is making use of local funds and human resources. Integration and creation Integrate funds, intelligence and cultures to create a world-class brand. Three internationalization steps Internationalization of management system – to build up employee loyaltyInternationalization of service – to build up custo mer loyalty Internationalization of brand – to build up international competence Five globalization strategies Globalization of design In order to maintain the competitive edge in the international market, Haier has set up 18 design centers worldwide to consolidate resources from developed countries. Globalization of manufacture Haier has set up 10 industrial parks worldwide and 22 plants overseas, making Haier a global manufacturer and enabling prompt action to satisfy local user needs for quality Haier products which in turn greatly provides great support for Haier to achieve its goal of world-class brand. Globalization of marketingHaier has 5,000 overseas retail outlets and over 10,000 service centers all over the world. The principle of interaction, development and innovation has been uphold in the course of globalization, e. g. , the best practice of Haier America is shared with Haier Europe, and the successful marketing of Haier Europe is introduced to Haier Middle East , opening up a vigorous prospect of global marketing. Globalization of purchase Public bidding and online purchase are carried out via Internet. A strategic partnership has been established with best global suppliers, who also participate in the front-end design of Haier products. Globalization of capital operationBy virtue of its experience in manufacture industry, Haier has made its way into finance industry Up to now; Haier has invested in Qingdao Commerce Bank and Chang Jiang Securities and is also running an insurance agency, a life insurance joint venture and a finance firm. By taking 50% shares of Haier Electronics Group, a company listed in Hong Kong, Haier has laid a solid foundation for its further movement to the international capital market. Co-optition Co-optition is the strategic trend of corporate globalization in the 21st century. It is based on competency complementation which is enabled through exchange of resources and aimed at win-win cooperation. On January 8, 2 002, Haier announced the co-optition with Sanyo Japan.Later on February 20, 2002, Haier announced the co-optition with Sampo Taiwan Go abroad; go localized, go up to Haier level Go abroad: go to mainstream markets in mainstream regions; Go localized: be admitted into mainstream channels selling mainstream products; Go up to a higher level: be a mainstream brand Haier in Pakistan Haier is now widely recognized in the world. From the latest statistics of Euro-monitor, Haier was placed fifth for the global white goods manufacturers with the largest world market share for refrigerators. In the list of the most respected companies in Asia and Pacific Region published by the Far Eastern Economic Review issue December 26, 2002, Haier was placed first.Haier’s production and management system restructuring has enabled Haier to diversify internal and external resources. At pre0sent, Haier has put its worldwide logistics, distribution and manufacturing facilities into efficient operatio n for customer demand satisfaction. Haier’s goal is to obtain worldwide recognition and to become one of Fortune Global 500. |[pic] | |†Haier objective: Before selection of products you have many choices in the | | | |market but Haier is the name of trust confidence in the world†. | |Chief Executive | | | |Mr.Shah Faisal | | | |[pic] | |â€Å"We would like to work fast†. Haier is not only competing strictly on price but by | | | |winning market shares through user friendly design, innovative features and top | | | |service for a wide range of appliances and consumer electronics. | |Country Manager | | | |Mr. Faraz Fiaz | | | Haier Pakistan is the Pakistan Sales & Marketing division of the international Haier Group, a globally recognized manufacturer of world-class electrical home appliances.The joint venture between Ruba General Trading Company and Haier Group of China has brought Haier to Pakistan with an initial investment of about US$35 million and a com mitment to provide world-class innovative products based on uncompromising quality to the Pakistani consumer. The plant spreads over a vast area of 63 acres with a covered area of 0. 6 million square feet including a workers’ colony on Raiwind Road, Lahore. The project is expected to produce 0. 9 million pieces of household appliances per year with plans to export to the Middle East and all over Asia. In the first year of its operations, Haier will generate employment opportunities to 600 individuals with potential to grow up to 1200 within the next 5 years. Furthermore, Haier will supplement income of 1000 to 1500 families providing indirect earning and employment possibilities.The roster of products to be launched immediately in Pakistan includes Refrigerators, Air-Conditioners (Window & Split), Deep Freezers and Washing Machines, Microwave Ovens and Small Appliances with Dishwashers, Vacuum Cleaners, Television Sets and Mobile Phones to follow shortly. Haier Pakistan has e ntered the local market with a commitment to help its consumers reap the benefits of modern lifestyle and to provide them world-class innovative products, unmatched nationwide customer support, a vast dealer network and a steadfast after- sales-service throughout the country. (â€Å"About Haier†) Evaluation of HR Department As discussed in introductory portion of this project, we have divided evaluation task in different functions.The division is as following †¢ HR Department †¢ HR Planning †¢ Analysis and Design of Work †¢ Recruitment and Selection †¢ Training and Development †¢ Performance Evaluation †¢ Compensation and Benefits and Safety To get information about all above, we had to interview someone. For this, we got honor to meet Mr. Mohammad Asim Amjad, the HR administrator at Haier HR Department. We asked different questions about each of above functions from Mr. Asim. We recorded that interview, and also got important notes on spot. HR Department What is the structure of your HR Department? On the top of HR department is a General Manager Human Resource followed by a Senior HR manager.Then after it, there is an HR Administrator. Below, the HR administrator, there are HR executives for Recruitment and selection, training and development, Performance appraisals, and compliance. There are also HR officers for Recruitment and selection, training and development, Performance appraisals, and compliance, which work under relevant HR executives. There is also an HR assistant, which only assists Manager Human Resource. On administration sides, after them, there are Labor Officers, and then there are two administration officers, which are followed by a whole team. One administration officer deals with construction, plant, etc, while other deals with Govt. agencies etc.How many people are working in your organization, how many of them are permanent or otherwise, how many of them are on managerial positions and how many a re otherwise? There are Approximately 1200-1700 staff in total. There are 100-1500 workers and 200 managerial staff. The amounts of workers vary according to season and currently it is not season, so we are having only 1000 workers. In the HR Department, there are approximately 10 people required, but they still do not have complete ten and are still recruiting for other. There are more than 100 people in administration staff. The HR Department is merged with Administration department at Haier. We are also planning to install a new production unit, and we need approximately 100 more workers for this.What is your and other HR staff’s qualification? I have personally done MBA in Human Resource Management. Our Senior HR Manager is also as MBA in Human Resource Management. Some of our other HR officers are also MBA, while some of them are BBA, or Simple graduates. Our General HR Manager, who also looks after Finance matters, does not possess any formal degree in Human Resource Ma nagement. He is doing it by his experience. To Whom your HR Department Reports to? And how other people contact your HR Department? Our HR Department is headed by Finance Manager, and he only reports to CEO. So, Our HR Department Reports to CEO of the company. We have divided contact system according to function.It means, if an employee has some problem regarding performance appraisal, he will contact the relevant HR professional. Now, it is not true that is a professional is not on seat, the work will not be done. Another HR officer will have to accommodate according to the situation and will have to do the desired work. Are your Policies properly recorder/written? And do you properly communicate these policies to other departments? If yes, then how? Yes we do have properly written and documented HR policies in our Department. We give proper code to every policy, and its effectiveness date is also mentioned. (Annex 2. 1). Also, we properly communicate these policies to other depart ment. We also have a document regarding this communication.In that document we have mentioned, that which personnel of a department is going to receive a copy of the policy. By this, we make sure that only relevant personnel are given the policy and it is properly communicated to all departments. (Annex 2. 2) Limitations and suggestions: †¢ First of all, we have a problem with current HR structure. The General Manager of Human Resource Department is also looking after Finance Department. HR is a vast function and separate personnel should be there to look after its functions. Also General Manager HR does not possess any formal degree in HRM. So first of all, there should be separate heads for both HR and Finance Departments. Secondly, there should be a General Manager HR, who should be formally trained in HRM. At Haier, Administration Department is merged with Human Resource Department. They are doing it to reduce their costs. But HR functions are so wide that they should be se parated from administration functions, and so is the case with administration functions. HR Department should be separate from Administration Department. †¢ There are less than enough HR professionals in the Department. They still need some more professionals to divide work. As long as we know, the person we interviewed, has also resigned. So they should do something to keep their quality HR professionals intact and should try to hire new ones as required. HR Planning Do you believe in planning? Yes of course, Planning

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Ancient Greece dbq essays

Ancient Greece dbq essays There were many contributions to modern day western civilization by the ancient Greeks. Their ideas and philosophies changed what we believe today. Here are the documents that prove these contributions to western civilization by the Greeks. There are many philosophers in the Greek civilization, two of them are Socrates and Aristotle, and they are both mentioned in the documents. Socrates is a philosopher that basically was the father of philosophy. He said that that everyones life should be examined or else it is not worth living. Aristotle is a philosopher who believed that the gods should not control our actions, but we should. He believed in human reason (the ability to think) should guide our actions. Both of these philosophers made an impact on our modern society. Another man that made an impact on our modern society is Pericles; He used a certain type of government that is popular today called democracy. In democracy everyone is equal and you can serve your country no matter how low your social scale level is, everyone has input on making decisions. Hippocrates was a Greek doctor; he invented the Hippocratic oath that in modern society you have to take to become a doctor. Hippocrates is mentioned in the fourth document. The Hippocratic oath states that you have to use your best judgment and not harm anyone while doing your duty. You cannot give any deadly medicine to any one if asked and cant suggest any such advice. Euclid is a philosopher and mathematician; he invented geometry that we now use in modern society. His theory was If two straight lines cut one another, the vertical, or opposite angles shall be equal. Greeks were good at building things such as the Parthenon. We use these architectural skills in our modern buildings like the huge arches and columns. The Greeks were also good in sports that still go on today, these sports being: Track and field, Wrestling, and discus among other sports ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Managing Energy Sources Essay Essay Example

Managing Energy Sources Essay Essay Example Managing Energy Sources Essay Essay Managing Energy Sources Essay Essay In today’s universe were the rate of world’s ownerships is deteriorating rapidly. There is far added force per unit area on the mill directors to build ware in a technique that supply greatest direction of energy. I would wish to take Motkamills for my faculty undertaking. which happens to be a paper factory which specialises in bring forthing laminating paper. I have chosen this peculiar industry because of the fact. mush for doing paper is extracted from the trees and this is one of the industries that need high monitoring to be energy efficient. Furthermore they need to be environment friendly as eco-system demands to be in perfect balance for endurance of worlds. The usage of energy monitoring and modulating procedure control systems can play a critical function in energy direction and in cut downing the demand of energy by this mill. These systems may include procedure such as sub-metering. monitoring. and control systems. They can drastically cut down the clip req uired to execute complex undertakings. frequently consequence in improved merchandise quality and consistence of any peculiar and can optimise process operations. Figure adapted by an ISO publication. â€Å"Typically. energy and cost nest eggs are about 5 % or more for many industrial applications of procedure control systems. These nest eggs apply to workss without updated procedure control systems ; many mush and paper Millss may already hold modern procedure control systems in topographic point to better energy efficiency† ( Kramer. october 2009 ) . Harmonizing to ( Kramer. october 2009 ) increase energy nest eggs further could be monetized by active energy monitoring squads and a through internal audit should be conducted by these squads. Specific energy nest eggs and payback periods for overall acceptance of energy monitoring and control systems vary greatly from works to works and company to company. A assortment of procedure control systems are available for all sorts of industrial procedures. Although energy direction systems thoughts are already widely spread in assorted industrial sectors. the public presentation of the systems can still be improved. which will as sist cut down costs. The energy salvaging procedure for 50 GPM of rescued H2O would approximately necessitate about 100 to 200 square pess of common production infinite. Utility demands would be compressed air. The estimation for entire affiliated HP for the full procedure would run from 15 to 20 HP. The operating and care costs for this procedure would dwell of electric power costs along with chemical purchases and care costs. The H2O recycle procedure would hold to be connected with and electrical burden in the scope of 15 to 20 HP. Based upon the figure of times H2O recycled associated power demands an one-year cost of $ 7. 500 would be incurred harmonizing to ( O’Connor. October2006 ) . The chemical ingestion rates estimated from the trial tally of this procedure were found to be really insistent. The one-year cost for chemicals is based upon the experimental operation disbursals extrapolated to an one-year ingestion rate. These costs are based upon the specific coagulator and flocculants needed for the pilot proving. The one-year cost is approximated at $ 16. 000. If the fiber is recovered or dewatered farther for disposal and the chemical intervention costs may be discounted as they are about same as to the chemical demands for the intervention of the fiber and fillers needed for the waste intervention works or the recovery of fiber through surrogate engineerings. Harmonizing to ( O’Connor. October2006 ) the care costs for the equipment are really hard to gauge. Other assorted fixs would be required for parts such as pumps. valves and instruments. For simpleness these cost are assumed to be one-year care cost of 2. 5 % of the capital equipment cost. This cost would be about $ 5. 000. The procedure is designed to be to the full automated. Daily tested by the mill’s lab staff to guarantee proper operation. The chemical and operating cost should be lower every bit good. There should be a benefit in retrieving the thickened stock from this watercourse for recycling in the factory and its value should clearly countervail the decrease on thermic nest eggs of the mill due to the execution of H2O recycling procedure. â€Å"The most of import natural stuffs used in a paper factory are mush fiber. H2O. and thermic and electrical energy. Decrease in the usage of any or all of these natural stuffs can hold a important. positive impact on the economic sciences of paper production and a mill’s underside line profitableness. Numerous commercially available engineerings are presently used throughout the paper industry for the recovery of fiber and clarified H2O from factory white H2O. † ( Romaro. september 2006 ) . Heat recovery systems could besides be utilized for minimising thermic and electrical energy usage. Nevertheless. all of these engineerings are capable to a figure of things such as public presentation. energy. efficiency. and dependability insufficiencies. It is considered impossible to bring forth economical high lucidity. â€Å" thermally rich H2O that may be substituted for fresh make-up H2O that typically requires heating to process-operating temperature† ( Romaro. september 2006 ) this means that you would hold to incur extra cost to recycle H2O which in bend will do you economically inefficient. As a consequence. with these present engineerings. paper Millss waste big measures of thermic and electrical energy and frequently lose their productiveness due to lower than coveted procedure runing temperatures. which they are unable to retrieve from important parts of their procedure H2O. effluent. and mush fiber. Companies all over the universe are highly witting of their C footmarks. More over European Union has aimed to lodge to the Kyoto protocol. â€Å"According to the burden-sharing understanding between EU Member States. Finland is committed under the Kyoto Protocol to conveying national mean one-year emanations down to their 1990 degree in the 2008–2012 periods. † ( Ojala. 4 feburay 2011 ) . Currently Motkamills has three production unit in Finland. for this to take topographic point they need to be energy efficient as we know that fuel costs make up a larger proportion of the costs in any given mills. being energy efficient will non merely convey down the operating costs for the twelvemonth of the mill but besides provide room for sustainable development. BibliographyKramer. M. a. X. . October 2009. Energy Efficiency Improvement and cost economy Opportunities for the mush and the paper industry. s. l. : BERKELEY NATIONAL LABORATORY. O’Connor. K. . October2006. ENERGY EFFICIENT PAPER MILL PROCESS WATER AND WASTED PROCESS WATER FILTRATION FOR HIGH CLARITY WATER FOR REUSEAND FIBER RECOVERY. s. l. : The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority ( NYSERDA ) . Ojala. J. a. C. . 4 feburay 2011. Finland is implementing. s. l. : Ministry of the Environment. Finland. Romaro. B. . September 2006. PROCESS WATER FILTRATION FOR HIGH CLARITY WATER. s. l. : New YORK STATE ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Faulty Modifiers on SAT Writing Grammar Rule Prep

Faulty Modifiers on SAT Writing Grammar Rule Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips One ofcomedian Groucho Marx's most famous jokes involves a pachyderm and some sleepwear. "One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas," he says. "How he got in my pajamas I don't know!" This joke is a play on a grammatical error called a misplaced modifier, where a descriptive phrase or word is placed in the wrong part of the sentence. The modifier errors on the SAT Writingmay not be quite as funny as Groucho's, but it's still important that youunderstand how they work. To that end, we'll be covering both basic grammatical concepts behind faulty modifiers and how to apply that knowledge on the test: Key Principle: Modifiers Must Be Next to What They Modify Dangling Modifiers: Modifying Phrases at the Beginning of Sentences Misplaced Modifiers: Modifier Order Within Sentences SAT WritingTips and Tricks Practice Questions Feature image credit:Valerievia Flickr Modifiers Must Be Next to the Thing They're Modifying The heading says it all: the most important concept to remember when dealing with modifiers is that they need to be next to the word they're describing. Sometimes these types of mistakes are obvious: Bird for sale by flightless woman. You have to figure that the bird is flightless, not the woman. The sentence should be: Flightless bird for sale by woman. However,on the SAT, this kind of error is oftenharder to spot. Take a look at the following sentence: Despite having finishedher test, the teacher wouldn't let Jenna leave until the class was over. There's nothing obviously wrong with this sentence, but let's think about what it's actually saying. Itstarts with the modifier "despite having finished her test." Logically, that phrase would seem to be describing Jenna, but since it's located next to "the teacher," the sentence is actuallysaying that the teacher has finished her test. That doesn't make much sense, sowe need to reorder the sentence to placethe modifier next to what it's modifying: The teacher wouldn't let Jenna leave until the class was over, despite the fact that she had finished her test. There are two main types of faulty modifiers: dangling modifiers, which involve phrases at the beginning of sentences (e.g. the example about Jenna), and misplaced modifiers, which involve the order of words and phrases within sentences (e.g. the example about the bird).Almost all of the faulty modifiers questions on the SAT deal with dangling modifiers, so we'll cover those first. Flightless birds, not flightless women Dangling Modifiers: Modifying Phrases at the Beginning of Sentences Questions about dangling modifiers only appear in the Improving Sentences section, but they're very common. You're essentially guaranteedto see at least one and may see as many four, so it's extremelyimportant that you understand how to approach them. Whena sentence begins with a modifying phrase, the intro must be immediately followed by a comma and then the noun it's describing. Incorrect sentences of this type start with modifying phrases that describe something other than the noun immediately following the comma. For example: Swimmingtoward the shore, alittle girl was building a sand castle. The "little girl" can't be "swimming toward the shore" and "building a sand castle" at the same time- something's missing. There are two ways to correct this kind of error: you can either replace the incorrect noun (in this case "little girl") with acorrect one, making any changes necessary to preserve the meaning of the sentence (fix 1), or you can turn the intro phrase into a clause that includes the the subject the phrase is meant to be describing (fix 2). These techniques sound more complicated than they are, so let's put them to use remedying our issue with the little girl who is in two places at once: Fix 1:Swimmingtoward the shore, I sawalittle girl building a sand castle. Fix 2:As Iswamtoward the shore, alittle girl was building a sand castle. Bothversions of the sentence are equally correct. You won't be asked to choose between the two options- instead, which approach makes more sense will depend on which part of the sentence is underlinedand whatanswer choices you're given. Keep in mind that some sentences will use this construction without asking about it (there will be anunrelated error instead), but look out for sentences that begin with verb participles (verbs ending in "ing," "ed," or "en") or prepositional phrases followed by a comma, especially if the underlined portion begins immediately after the comma. Situation 1: Main Clause Underlined If only the main clause is underlined, you'll need to pick the answer with the correct subject- what I refer to above as fix 1. For example: Incorrect:After seven straight hours of studying, Jose's brainwas fried. Correct:After seven straight hours of studying, Jose felt like his brainwas fried. Even though the distinction may not seem important, "Jose" and "Jose'sbrain" aren't actually the same- Jose's brain can't study. If only the second half of the sentence is underlined, the best way to correct thisissue is to replace the incorrect noun "Jose's brain" with the correct one "Jose." When you see an Improving Sentences question like this with the main clause underlined, you must find the answer choice or choices that start with the correct noun. Start by ruling out any answers that don't start with a noun or pronoun or that start with a noun other than the one the introductoryphrase is meant to be describing. If there is more than one answer choice remaining, check for other grammatical issues. Let's work through an example question from a real SAT: The sentence begins with the modifier "spread by rat fleas," which suggests that there may be a dangling modifier. The first step, then, is to determine what that phrase describes. It's definitely not "millions of people in medieval Europe," so we can know there's a modifier error and can rule out A. We can also eliminate B, which begins with a conjunction instead of a noun, and C, which begins with the unclear pronoun "this." With only D and E remaining, it's clear that "bubonic plague" is spread by rat fleas. Both answers are grammatical, but E is much simpler and clearer, so it must be the answer. Situation 2: Both Modifierand Main ClauseUnderlined You may also see dangling modifier questions presented with both the modifierand part, or all, of the main clause underlined, though this configuration is much less common. In these cases, the correct answer usuallyrewrites the sentence to eliminate the faulty modifier entirely, so it's difficult to anticipate what the correct choice will be. Instead, you want to approach these questions by process of elimination: Determine what the error is- figure out how the modifier is wrong so that you can rule out any choices that make the same mistake Eliminate answers that aren't grammatical- rule out any answers that create other issues, like run-ons or sentence fragments Choose clearest, most concise answer- of the remaining choices pick the one that expresses the pointwith the simplest structure and fewest extra words This process may seem a bit vague, so let's work through an official SAT example: First, let's figure out what's wrong with this sentence. It's a bit confusing because there's no obvious error. We can start by separating the two independent clauses to make what's happening in the underlined portion clearer: She was concerned about how Hank would react to the incident.In searching his face, he did not seem to be at all embarrassed or troubled. Now it's clearer that "in searching his face" is a modifying phrase, currently describing Hank(since "he" comes immediately after the comma). But based on the context, we know the person searching the face is actually "she," so we've located the error. We can rule out A, as well as D, which repeats the same error. Choice B swaps out "it" for "he," which doesn't solve the problem, because "it" is still not the person searching Hank's face. B is also wrong. Choices C and E both fix the misplaced modifier issue, but E is needlessly wordy ("being" is usually wrong), so C is the correct answer. Like sneakers, modifiers aren't meant to dangle (image credit: Carsten ten Brink) Misplaced Modifiers: Modifier Placement in Sentences Now that we've covered how to approach questions about modifiers at the beginning of sentences, let's talk about questions that deal with modifier placement within sentences.Questions on this topic can appear in both the Improving Sentences and Identifying Sentence Errors, but they are much less common than questions on dangling modifiers. The key rule for modifier placement- a modifier must be next to whatever it's modifying- remainsthe same. A misplaced modifier occurs when a modifier is separated from theword it's meant to describe: The werewolfmailed a package to the vampire full of garlic. Despite what the sentence says, it's clear that the "package" and not the "vampire" is meant to be full of garlic. In order to correct this error, we need to switch around the order of the phrases: The werewolfmailed a package full of garlic to the vampire. Because the exact nature of this kind of error can vary so widely, there's no single best way to approach the questions. However, many of these errors involve gerunds, especially on the Identifying Sentence Errors. Remember that like other modifiers gerunds must be next to what they're describing, i.e. whatever or whoever is doing the action. To help clarify, let'sgo through some SAT style examples, starting with thisIdentifying Sentence Errors question: On(A)hermost recent(B) vacation to Istanbul, Jill stumbled upon(C) a fantastic jewelry shop walking(D) through the massive market. No error. (E) Reading through this sentence, you may not immediately notice anything incorrect- in fact, it seems just fine. But before picking E, we need to check each of the other underlined portions. "On" is an idiomatically correct prepositionand "most recent" is a correct superlative, so we can rule out A and B. "Stumbled upon" includes a correctly conjugated verb and an idiomatically correct preposition, so C is also incorrect. This leaves only D, "walking." When a gerund is underlined, you must check placement- is the modifiernext to the noun that is walking? No, it's next to "jewelry shop," which can't walk. As such, D is the correct answer. Next, take a look at this Improving Sentences example: Kate Hudson beganacting at a young age, being Goldie Hawn's daughter. A.Kate Hudson beganacting at a young age, being Goldie Hawn's daughter. B.Kate Hudson beganacting at a young age, and she was Goldie Hawn's daughter. C.Kate Hudson, who as Goldie Hawn's daughterbeganacting at a young age. D. BeingKate Hudson, Goldie Hawn's daughterbeganacting at a young age. E.Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn's daughter,beganacting at a young age. The misplaced modifier in this sentence is fairly obvious: "being Goldie Hawn's daughter" is clearly meant to describe "Kate Hudson" not "a young age." However, there's no answer choice that places the modifiernext to what it's modifying, so we need to narrow down the choices with process of elimination. We already ruled out A (which is the same as the original sentence), and we can eliminate C because it's a fragment. B, D, and E are all grammatically correct, so we need to pick the clearest and most concise answer. B is incorrect because it make the sentence much longer than it needs to be by splitting it into two independent clause. D doesn't work because the word order is confusing. Describing Kate Hudson as Goldie Hawn's daughter makes sense; describing Goldie Hawn's daughter as Kate Hudson doesn't. E is correctbecause itputs the (slightly rephrased) modifiernext to what it'smodifying. This snowman is misplaced; make sure your modifiers aren't. (Image credit: Richie Diesterheft) Applying Modifier Ruleson SAT Writing Questions Now that we've gone over all the rules you need to know, let's review some of the key points about how to spot and answer faulty modifierquestions on the SAT Writing section. What to watchfor: Prepositional phrases at the beginning of sentences where the clause after the comma is underlined Verb participles (verbs ending in "ing," "ed," or "en") at the beginning of sentences In ISE questions, underlined gerunds Rules to keep in mind: A modifier must be next to what it's modifying Gerunds must be next to the noun doing the action If a sentence starts with a descriptor, whatever comes after the comma must be the noun it’s describing Helpful SATWriting tips: Think about both what a modifier is currently describing and what it's actually meant to be describing Watch out for answers that fix the original modifier issue but are ungrammatical in another way Remember that there are a lot of different ways to fix faulty modifiers- use process of elimination to narrow down wrong answers rather than focusing on one specific way of correcting the error You will see these errors on the test, and they are likely unfamiliar, so make sure to review (and practice with) similar questions from real SATs Test Your Knowledge! Try out the principles we've discussed on these SAT Writing practice questions: 1. One of thespiciest cuisines in the world, Sichuan has recently become very popular in the United States. A.Sichuan has recently become B. Sichuan has most recently become known as C.Sichuan food has recently become D. the cuisines of Sichuan have become E. recently Sichuan has become 2. Thinking, perhaps, that their questionswon't be answered, the number of students who attend career counseling has dropped precipitously. A.the number of students who attend career counseling has dropped precipitously. B.the number of students who attend career counseling is droppingprecipitously. C.a dropping number of students are attending career counseling. D.students are attending career counseling in ever lower numbers. E.students, the number of whom attendcareer counseling has dropped precipitously. 3.By gazing sadly upon his owner, Tinawas convinced to give the puppy more food. A. Tinawas convinced to give the puppy more food. B.Tinawas convinced bythe puppy to give him more food. C.the puppy was convinced by Tina to give him more food. D. convincing Tina to give him more food, the puppy was. E.the puppy convinced Tina to give him more food. Answers: 1. C, 2. D, 3. E What's Next? Now that you've mastered faultymodifiers, take a look at some of our other SATgrammar guides on frequentlytestedtopics like illogical comparisonsand parallelism. If you're curious about the Improving Paragraphs, check out our guide the strangest type of SAT Writing question. Make sure you know the 8 key SAT Writing strategies, and if you're aimingfor an especiallyhigh score, check out our guide to getting an 800 on the SAT Writingfrom a perfectscorer. Looking to build a study plan? Read our complete plan to studying for the SAT, review what the SAT Writingactually covers, and take a practice test (or four!). Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. Check out our 5-day free trial: